Welcome to the Moon Rabbit Hotline!
As you might already know, I’m starting a new podcast using a mixture of storytelling research and insider film industry experience to dig deep into what makes the kind of transformative film storytelling that changes people’s lives.
And now, with a few clicks and a microphone-enabled device, you can be part of the podcast!

What is the Moon Rabbit Hotline?
Technically, it’s an online message leaving service.
But really, it’s part of an audio scrapbooking project.
Each episode of the podcast, I want to showcase people from all around the world with short soundbites on why they love the films and shows I’m covering on the podcast. I want to show just how big and diverse the fandoms are for the films and series by Hayao Miyazaki, or Satoshi Kon, or Kunihiko Ikuhara, or Hideaki Anno, or Shinichiro Watanabe, and those were just the Japanese creators. 🙂
What am I collecting messages on?
Here’s the current list of topics I’m looking for sound bites on (from which you can guess topics of upcoming episodes). You can leave a message about one or multiple of these:
- Why you love the films of Studio Ghibli.
- What makes My Neighbour Totoro your favourite film of all time, what’s the thing you like about it the most and why.
- What makes Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind your favourite film of all time, what’s the thing you like about it the most and why.
- Ask me a question that I can answer in one of the Q&A episodes. Do you want to know something specific about a Ghibli film? A recurring story element that keeps popping up in the stories ? The origin of a myth or creature in your favourite series?
How to leave a message
Click the button below and start recording! If your browser or device asks you to allow your microphone to record, click the “Allow” button to let it through.
After recording, I’ll ask for your name and email, which will only be used to notify you if you get on the show (unless you tick the box to get on the Moon Rabbit email list, in which case I’ll pop you on there too).
Legal necessity paragraph! By recording a message, you give me the right to use a snippet of your call in an upcoming Moon Rabbit podcast episode or video. You acknowledge that recording a message does not mean your message will be played on the show, and that you won’t be compensated if I do select your call. Thank you!
What to say to raise your chances of getting on the show

1. Introduce yourself
- If you’re leaving a Q for a Q&A episode, make sure you say your first name or nickname and where you’re calling from. I’ll answer Q&A’s by name so use a name you’re comfortable with if called on. 🙂
- If by accident you say anything that makes you personally identifiable I will cut that out of your message.
2. Use full sentences
- Good soundbites are made of sentences that have a beginning, a middle and an end.
- If sending in a question about a film, make sure you clearly say the name of the film and be as specific about your question as possible.
3. Be nice
- We’re all nice people here who want to make good things. Please respect that.
- If you send me a foul message, I will purchase a bar of handmade artisan soap and send it to your mother so she can wash your mouth with it.
Good examples
Good examples for soundbites
- “What I love about Studio Ghibli is that they’re so consistent in what they say about nature. It’s such a magical world and you just can’t name a bad movie from their catalogue. I grew up on this as a kid and I can’t wait to go through all of them with my own children.”
- “Totoro is such an adorable film. Anytime I’m feeling sad I know I can trust it to cheer me up.”
- “My favourite thing in My Neighbour Totoro is the art. Every single background is like a painting.”
- “The best thing about My Neighbour Totoro is… Totoro! So amazingly fluffy.”
- “Nausicaä is such a great movie. What an epic adventure, and what a great message.”
- “Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind is pure gold. It’s almost weird that it’s post-apocalyptic sci-fi but is still about hope and humanity winning over greed.”
- “My favourite character from Nausicaä has to be Kushana, she’s such a fierce person and a complex character, especially how she gradually comes around to the cause.”
Good examples for Q&A

- Hey Adam, this is Ingrid from Sweden. I always wondered why at the end of Kiki’s Delivery Service, Kiki’s cat didn’t get his voice back? Thanks!
- Hi Adam, this is Dan from Ontario, Canada. Do you know why people shout weird attack names in anime series, like Thousand-Eyed Dragon Punch or Pink Bubblegum Laser Beam? I could never wrap my head around that.
- Hi Moon Rabbit Podcast, what’s up with giant robots in anime? How did this topic come about? Why are they such a central genre?
- Hi Adam, I always wondered why Yubaba has a twin sister in Spirited Away? I’m always confused by that bit, is there any significance to that?